Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Riders on the Storm

   "They've got a name for the winners in this world, i wanna name when i lose........call me Deacon Blue"-----Steely Dan

   Oh boy.....where to begin?  My world is a little upside down these days, but from what I'm hearing, I'm not alone.  The whole world is upside down, and I'm holding on for dear life.
   It all started a couple of weeks ago when my Uncle Ramone died.  My Lebanese uncle who was like a father to me, he took me to Lebanon with his six children ( Paul stayed home, there are actually seven) when I was twenty years old.  That two month trip changed me in so many ways, and I am forever thankful to you Ray for the huge gift!!
   On top of his loss, I am dealing with a lot.  To say I'm overwhelmed is an understatement.  But when it rains it pours, and I'm just going to ride the storm out....like I always do.  Have an awesome Monday.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

One World

      I haven't written in a while......just haven't felt like it.
   Had some good news yesterday at Cancer Care.  First my nurse was giggling because my blood pressure was "textbook perfect"..... she said she had never seen that before!  I swear that it's a combination of using frozen lemons, and really intense Lebanese garlic sauce.  Old folk remedies for a multitude of sins.
   Not only that, but my "tumor marker" is the exact same from last time.  So no spreading!  I say yay!!
   To top my day off, three of my neighbor girlfriends took me to our local favorite cafe, One World.  I worked there for years, now I just get to go and enjoy the atmosphere from time to time.  We sat on our asses for three hours and chatted.  The only problem with One World is that it is so loud!  It has the original tin ceiling, maybe that's why.
   It's 5:45 in the morning.....I've been up since 5:11.......start my new cycle of medicine today, so I have to keep to a schedule.  I guess that's all for now.